A dedicated space to support your journey of relearning who you are and how you are wired

The Relearning Blog

no b.s. exercises

the exposed therapist
navigating change
emotional stuff
the self

That’s what your mind tells you and yet here you are, feeling the way that you do. What do you want to do about this?  Maybe you have heard or even tried saying some of the following: “Other people have it worse” “There is no reason for me to feel this way” “This doesn’t matter” […]

You shouldn’t feel the way you do.

Ever wonder why you decided to get married or why you want to get married? I wonder how many of us ask ourselves these questions? What I’ve come to learn as a couples’ therapist is, it is often our fundamental belief system (our values and conditioning) that are different, and this is OK. What doesn’t […]

“You’re getting married-Congratulations! Why?”.

In the book I’m reading (Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas), a main character says as they are about to engage in war:  “…and you will likely throw up again. But just remember that this fear of yours? It means you have something worth fighting for – something you care so greatly for that […]

Facing Uncertainty: Feel the Fear and Do the Damn Thing 

Many of my clients share their challenges around falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. Especially during this time of year. When further explored, it’s quite clear that one of the challenges around sleep is that we are in fact trying to force ourselves to sleep! We know the drill. Twist and turn, get […]

Relearning how to sleep this season.

What are diagnostic labels and why do we use them? As humans, we label ourselves to create a sense of identity and to make sense of our experience. Labels can help us understand the various facets of ourselves in relation to others and may offer a sense of belonging and community. Labels describe and simplify […]

The Beauty and Danger of Diagnostic Labels.

No one ever really tells us how much work relationships are. The kind that you want anyway or think you should have. Do you agree that Disney f*cked us over? OK I’m already getting off track. We fantasize so much about how our relationships “should” be rather than putting the effort into them. Why would […]

Be curious. It can save your relationship.

Playing hide and seek has always been a favorite of mine as a child and even now in my 40’s and sooooo what? Watching my nephews and niece laugh with excitement and joy is priceless. We don’t play anymore as adults, do we? The world has weighed us down and most of us have lost […]

Can we play now? How playing can improve your mental health. 

When you think of the birth of life you think of the golden hour, of skin to skin contact between parent and child, of tired yet joyous parents. Trauma during birth or “birth trauma” steals those moments. Steals  hope and preconceived beauty from you and replaces it with panic, terror and disassociation. My daughter was […]

The Birth and Shame of a Mother 

Like starting any new process, there are many unknowns and uncertainties when finding a therapist. It can feel daunting, exciting, frustrating and downright defeating. Connecting with the right therapist can sometimes feel overwhelming and we hope to streamline the process for you.  Maybe you have a specific goal of therapy in mind, that’s great. And, […]

Getting Started

There is a hype of the “how to’s, when to’s, who to’s, how many to’s” in the wild world of dating and romantic relationships. Whether you are looking for the “right” person (I’m sorry if you still think this is a thing), or you have been with who you thought was the right person and […]

Basic but not so simple: 8 revealing questions to ask yourself about relationships.

step-by-step guide to
mapping your emotions

We don't believe in quick fixes, but we do believe in meaningful steps forward. Use this guide to find greater awareness.

Guide to mapping your emotions

Try this today

Learn how to use your breath to reduce anxiety and return to the present moment with this simple yet effective practice.

Breathe Your Way to the Present